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About Monika

My Dreams and Aspirations

Monika is a Reiki Grandmaster/Pranic Healer, Psychic, Hypnotherapist/Vedic Astrologer & Ayurveda Counselor. I believe in Holistic healing and work with my clients by combining various modalities toward achieving optimal health.


- Angel Therapy Practitioner

- Angel Tarot Card Reader

- Ascension Reiki Master/Teacher

- Usui Reiki Grandmaster

- Hypnotherapist/Past Life Regression Therapist

- Earth Acupuncturist, Land/Property Healer

- Heal your Chakras, Heal your Life Instructor

- Spiritual Energy Dynamics Practitioner

- Theta Healing Practitioner

- Pranic Healer

- Vedic Astrologer  

- Ayurveda Counselor


Check out these links for more details-


How do my clients describe their first visit?

After our session, I noticed subtle but powerful changes within myself and my life. She knows what she is doing.​

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